How To Download Pixiv Gif


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Download the Android app for free now. Pixiv links are parsed in the client now. (currently JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, SWF, WEBM and MP4 are fully supported).

Sankaku Complex can be accessed anywhere, from any Android or Apple device, with the Sankaku App!

Download the Android app for free now:

  • Sankaku White » (via Amazon »)
  • We also recommend using the web app - it has all the features of the native apps, can be used from any browser on mobile or desktop, and be installed to your home screen

    The Android app comes in three versions - the app store version ('White'), which can be installed from a mainstream app store and will show only safe content, Sankaku Black, which will show all content available, and the Idol Complex App, which can browse Idol Complex and all its photographic and video content (a separate account is required).

    Sankaku Black and Idol Complex will only be distributed directly from our own site or stores with compatible content policies.

    If unsure, check back here - only properly signed versions and authorised stores will be linked from here.

    All editions can be installed simultaneously and otherwise share the same functionality and accounts.

    How To Download Pixiv Gif

    The Sankaku App for Apple iPhones and iPads can be freely installed from the App Store.

    Due to Apple's policies, by default the Apple App Store edition of the app can only display filtered (non-adult) content - however, this can be disabled by logging in to the site or web app on a browser and turning off the 'filter content' option(legacy site).

    アップルの規則によって、iOSアプリは最初からフィルターされています。成年向けコンテンツを見るために、フィルターを解除して下さい。 こちらからできます。

    How To Download Pixiv Gif Avatar

    A version of the web app which has the same optional content filtering as the iOS app is also available, as is one which is completely work-safe at all times.